Co-living Concept
Co-living is often expressed through properties which are still effectively traditional HMO properties, focussed very much on a group of individuals. However, properly conceived co-living properties are a revolutionary change in the way that space can be used by communities of people.
Houses of Multiple Occupancy
My main business over the last few years has been the world of the HMO, and, as I explained earlier, I’d like to think that throughout my career as a property developer, I have worked with a conscience and strived to be as responsible as possible. And hopefully maintained competitive profit levels too.
Good Towns to Invest
One of the main growth areas recently has been the commuter belt towns around London. These are towns, which have good access to London or other local commercial hubs via the rail transportation system. Ideally the towns should not be more than 1 hour away by train and houses should not be more than £300,000 to buy.